Why To Detox
Detox Program
Reboot and reset your entire system. Remove inflammation, lose weight and gain new energy. Read More...
Far Infrared Sauna
Lose weight, reduce inflammation and cellulite. Prevent and reverse chronic disease. Read more...
Online Health Coaching
Learn to use food as medicine to live medication free. Stop premature aging, and feel better. Read More...
clubDetox Membership
Become your own doctor and learn all you need to live disease free. Read more...
Recommended Resources
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providing the best services for you. See more...

Franchising Opportunity
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Our Toxic World - Club Detox l Juice Bar | Far Infrared Sauna
Club Detox - Remove inflammation and stubborn fat, the root cause of chronic illness. Natural detox with proven results. 949-484-4322.
We live in a world of chemicals: Air pollutants; pesticides; processed food with preservatives, hormones and colorings; synthetic sugary drinks; cosmetics; carpeting; furniture; electronics and medication leach harmful poisons into our body.
These toxins cannot be metabolized, they get trapped inside the body and cause serious health damage. Read More
Chemical Exposure
No matter how hard we try, it is virtually impossible to avoid exposure to the toxicity in our world. We are bombarded on a daily – and nightly – basis by external and internal pollutants which sabotage our best efforts at leading a long and healthy life.
Amid the onslaught of toxins we continuously encounter in modern day living, the very things we consume or apply to make us well and beautiful can betray our bodies and compromise our quality of life. The solution is simple…what we can’t avoid, we must detoxify and eliminate. Read More
Are We Really Safe

In the 16th century, well known Swiss physician Paracelsus said, “The dose makes the poison.” This axiom – that toxic substances can be safe as long as the amount remains below a certain threshold – is still a bedrock principle for modern toxicologists.
This mistaken theorem explains why industrial chemicals have never received the stricter regulatory oversight mandated to drugs and pesticides. Even if the chemicals used to help manufacture a plastic bottle could infiltrate the human body (the thinking went), surely the dose would be too low to do any harm. Read More
Juice Cleanse

Our juice cleanse is all about vitamins, minerals, enzymes, proteins and phytonutrients in the highest concentration possible.
Our juices are made fresh and to your order to provide the highest nutritional and enzyme quality.
Nothing is ever sitting around for days waiting to be sold. There are never any sweeteners, additives or preservatives.
Made only as Mother Nature created and intended to nourish your health, energy and beauty. Read More
Lose Weight - Be Healthy!

Fat-free, sugar-free, no-carb diet …seems like you've tried them all but nothing really seems to work long-term, does it?
There is a reason and it might not be your fault at all! Read More
Gain Energy

Be Fit For Life - If you live on this planet you absorb toxins on a daily basis. They are everywhere. Your food, your plastic bottled water, the water you shower in, cosmetic products, carpeting, furniture, TV and about anywhere you turn is loaded with chemicals.
These paralyzing toxic substances accumulate in your body and literally weigh you down. Your entire body is taxed and you feel tired, exhausted and out of energy. Read More
Food And Nutrition

We Are What We Eat - It matters what you put into your body.
Your body is your temple and the biggest possession you will ever own.
It is the only body you will have for this lifetime and it makes sense to treat it the best. Read More
Prevent Disease

Health And Disease - Health is normal. Disease is an abnormal condition. Disease is not an opposite of health.
Disease (unless you were born with it) is a pathological development and an effect of a certain cause.
It is the Universal Law that every effect has a cause and every cause has an effect.
Living organic structure is not exempt from this phenomena and the Law of Biology. Read More